Initial Naturopathic appointment (Clinical Nutrition and Natural medicines)
The initial appointment is structured to understand your health complaints in as much detail as possible. Together we will discuss your health history, a physical assessment may be conducted if indicated. You may be referred for other tests or additional assessments to be conducted between the first and second appointments. Initial treatment recommendations are discussed and the development of your treatment plan and or program is organised in this session. This appointment generally lasts 70 minutes.
Second appointment
At the second appointment (typically held 1-3 weeks after the 1st appointment) We will review any assessments organised in more detail and fine-tune your treatment plan. This session is generally where treatment truly begins and you will begin to take your first steps towards a greater level of health and wellbeing. This appointment generally lasts 40 minutes
Follow up appointments
Your follow up appointments from this point are entirely dependent on your presenting health complaint. Often appointments are more regular in the initial stages and then appointments are conducted on a monthly or bi-monthly basis until your health complaint has stabilized.
This appointment generally lasts 30 minutes.
Treatment results
Treatment results vary depending on the individual and their presenting complaint. Some individuals obtain quick results whilst others take several months or longer. As a general rule, the longer you have been experiencing your complaint for, the longer you will require treatment. It is important to remember that the healing process takes time. We are not trying to simply alleviate your symptoms; Our aim is to bring you to a greater level of health.
Following your appointment you may be prescribed various remedies or medicines. You will typically be supplied with enough medicines to last you till your next appointment. Though from time to time, patients may require additional medicines between appointments. This can be arranged by contacting reception to ensure we have in stock what you are after, we than can than either put them aside for you to collect or posted to you if required.
The Wholistic Life stocks a comprehensive practitioner dispensary including nutritional supplements, herbal medicines in a variety of preparations, homeopathics and flower essences. We are committed to supplying high quality practitioner only products to enhance treatment outcomes. We are constantly updating and adding to our dispensary to ensure we met TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) guidelines and ethical practices.
Pop in Naturopathic Herbal Dispensary:
We are happy to supply you with a prescription without consultation with Kristy if you have had a previous consultation with another qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist, Homeopath, or the like. Please note you must have a prescription as practitioner products are regulated by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) and therefore must prescribed by an allied health professional.
In addition if you are an existing client Kristy will be happy to discuss acute dispensary prescriptions such as a cold or flu mix, hayfever treatment, pain management just to name a few.
Cancellation Policy
Our goal is to provide quality health care in a timely manner. As such, we have had to implement an appointment cancellation policy. This policy enables us to better utilise available appointments for our patients in need of our services. Please be courteous and notify us by phone or email if you are unable to attend an appointment at least 24hours prior to your scheduled appointment. We will then be able to allocate this time to someone on our waiting list. Please note that if you miss an appointment consultation fee will be charged.